Departure Package (Online booking available)

For those who depart for Haneda Airport from Heiwajima Natural Hot Springs

Departure Times
  • 3:10 am
  • 4:40 am
  • 5:50 am

Buses departing 3:10 am go to the International Passenger Terminal only.
Buses departing between 4:40 am and 5:50 am go to both the International and Domestic Passenger Terminals.
Bedrock bath (~10:00 pm)

  • Times may be delayed due to traffic congestion.
  • If you take the bus departing for Haneda Airport from Heiwajima Natural Hot Springs, be sure to use the Departure Package.
  • Seating capacity is 50 passengers. Reservations are accepted until all seats are booked.
  • Times are subject to change and bus service may be cancelled due to vehicle breakdown etc. without prior notice.
  • You may get off the bus at designated bus stops only.

Fees are 4,500 JPY. 2,700 JPY for each Child.

Stay after 4 pm up until the early morning bus departs.

[Special offer] Advanced booking for the free late night/early morning buses is available. *Online booking is available.You can advance book your seat on the free same-day-departure buses departing for Haneda Airport.

  • You can book online through this website.

Arrival Package (Online booking available)

For those who arrive at Heiwajima Natural Hot Springs from Haneda Airport

Departure Times
  • 0:40 am
  • 1:40 am
  • 2:40 am
  • Seating capacity is 50 passengers. Reservations are accepted until all seats are booked.
  • Bus services will be cancelled if we have no booking.
  • Buses depart on time even if flights are delayed.
  • Complimentary breakfast is served.(7 am - 8:30 am)

Fees are 4,500 JPY. 2,700 JPY for each Child.

[Special offer] Complimentary breakfast
You can advance book your seat on the free same-day-departure buses departing for Haneda Airport.

  • You can book online through this website.Breakfast is served between 7 am and 8:30 am.

Late Night Package Special

Including admission fee and tax

Adults: 4,500 JPY / Child: 2,700 JPY(Under12)
(including admission fee, midnight fee, the rental fee of our special spa wear and a towel set and BEDROCK BATH ※close at 22:00)
bedrock bath (until 22:00), Morning coffee, free hair iron rental, free pillow rental available.

Overnight Stay Package

[Special offer] Complimentary breakfast

  • Breakfast is served between 7 am and 8:30 am.